Client Report - Project 5: The war with Star Wars

Course DS 250


Leonardo Alvarino

Elevator pitch

In this weeks project we analized a dataset of over 1000 people interviewed about Star Wars movies. The charts made showed that the best movie of the 6 was ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ with 36% of the votes. Also, the majority of people surveyed thinks that Han Solo shot first with 39%, however, 37% didn’t even know what was this question about. Finally we created a Machine Learning model that predicted with almost 70% of accuracy wether a person makes more than $50k based on their Star Wars answers.

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# read the data
stwars= pd.read_csv("StarWars.csv",  encoding='latin-1')


Shorten the column names and clean them up for easier use with pandas. Provide a table or list that exemplifies how you fixed the names.

The following list shows the fixed names of the columns of the dataframe:

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# update column names
new_column_names = {'Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?':'wtch_any_sw',
'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?':'fan',
'Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply.':'wtch_sw1',
'Unnamed: 4':'wtch_sw2',
'Unnamed: 5':'wtch_sw3',
'Unnamed: 6':'wtch_sw4',
'Unnamed: 7':'wtch_sw5',
'Unnamed: 8':'wtch_sw6',
'Please rank the Star Wars films in order of preference with 1 being your favorite film in the franchise and 6 being your least favorite film.': 'rank_sw1(1-6)',
'Unnamed: 10':'rank_sw2(1-6)',
'Unnamed: 11':'rank_sw3(1-6)',
'Unnamed: 12':'rank_sw4(1-6)',
'Unnamed: 13':'rank_sw5(1-6)',
'Unnamed: 14':'rank_sw6(1-6)',
'Please state whether you view the following characters favorably, unfavorably, or are unfamiliar with him/her.':'rate_han_solo',
'Unnamed: 16':'rate_luke',
'Unnamed: 17':'rate_leia',
'Unnamed: 18':'rate_anakin',
'Unnamed: 19':'rate_obi_wan',
'Unnamed: 20':'rate_palpatine',
'Unnamed: 21':'rate_darth_vader',
'Unnamed: 22':'rate_lando',
'Unnamed: 23':'rate_bobba_fett',
'Unnamed: 24':'rate_c-3p0',
'Unnamed: 25':'rate_r2d2',
'Unnamed: 26':'rate_jar_jar',
'Unnamed: 27':'rate_padme',
'Unnamed: 28':'rate_yoda',
'Which character shot first?':'char_shot_first',
'Are you familiar with the Expanded Universe?':'fam_exp_univ',
'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Expanded Universe?ξ':'fan_exp_univ',
'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Trek franchise?':'fan_star_trek',
'Household Income':'household_income',
'Location (Census Region)':'census_region'}
stwars = stwars.rename(columns=new_column_names)

#copy a df for the graphs later
stwars_graphs = stwars
Index(['RespondentID', 'wtch_any_sw', 'fan', 'wtch_sw1', 'wtch_sw2',
       'wtch_sw3', 'wtch_sw4', 'wtch_sw5', 'wtch_sw6', 'rank_sw1(1-6)',
       'rank_sw2(1-6)', 'rank_sw3(1-6)', 'rank_sw4(1-6)', 'rank_sw5(1-6)',
       'rank_sw6(1-6)', 'rate_han_solo', 'rate_luke', 'rate_leia',
       'rate_anakin', 'rate_obi_wan', 'rate_palpatine', 'rate_darth_vader',
       'rate_lando', 'rate_bobba_fett', 'rate_c-3p0', 'rate_r2d2',
       'rate_jar_jar', 'rate_padme', 'rate_yoda', 'char_shot_first',
       'fam_exp_univ', 'fan_exp_univ', 'fan_star_trek', 'gender', 'age_group',
       'household_income', 'education', 'census_region'],


Clean and format the data so that it can be used in a machine learning model. As you format the data, you should complete each item listed below. In your final report provide example(s) of the reformatted data with a short description of the changes made.

a. Filter the dataset to respondents that have seen at least one film.

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stwars2 = stwars[stwars['wtch_any_sw'] == 'Yes']

# Update from 'wtch_sw1' to'wtch_sw6' columns to be 1 if there is a value and 0 if its null.
stwars2.loc[:, 'wtch_sw1':'wtch_sw6'] = np.where(stwars2.loc[:, 'wtch_sw1':'wtch_sw6'].notnull(), 1, 0)

# delete the rows that haven't seen any movie
stwars2 = stwars2[~((stwars2['wtch_sw1'] == 0) & 
                    (stwars2['wtch_sw2'] == 0) & 
                    (stwars2['wtch_sw3'] == 0) & 
                    (stwars2['wtch_sw4'] == 0) & 
                    (stwars2['wtch_sw5'] == 0) & 
                    (stwars2['wtch_sw6'] == 0))]

RespondentID wtch_any_sw fan wtch_sw1 wtch_sw2 wtch_sw3 wtch_sw4 wtch_sw5 wtch_sw6 rank_sw1(1-6) rank_sw2(1-6) rank_sw3(1-6) rank_sw4(1-6) rank_sw5(1-6) rank_sw6(1-6) rate_han_solo rate_luke rate_leia rate_anakin rate_obi_wan rate_palpatine rate_darth_vader rate_lando rate_bobba_fett rate_c-3p0 rate_r2d2 rate_jar_jar rate_padme rate_yoda char_shot_first fam_exp_univ fan_exp_univ fan_star_trek gender age_group household_income education census_region
1 3.292880e+09 Yes Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 4 5 6 Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably I don't understand this question Yes No No Male 18-29 NaN High school degree South Atlantic
3 3.292765e+09 Yes No 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) Unfamiliar (N/A) I don't understand this question No NaN No Male 18-29 $0 - $24,999 High school degree West North Central
4 3.292763e+09 Yes Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 1 2 4 3 Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Somewhat favorably Very favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat unfavorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably I don't understand this question No NaN Yes Male 18-29 $100,000 - $149,999 Some college or Associate degree West North Central
5 3.292731e+09 Yes Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 6 2 1 3 Very favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat unfavorably Very favorably Very unfavorably Somewhat favorably Neither favorably nor unfavorably (neutral) Very favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Very unfavorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Greedo Yes No No Male 18-29 $100,000 - $149,999 Some college or Associate degree West North Central
6 3.292719e+09 Yes Yes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 6 5 2 Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Very favorably Neither favorably nor unfavorably (neutral) Very favorably Neither favorably nor unfavorably (neutral) Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Somewhat favorably Neither favorably nor unfavorably (neutral) Very favorably Han Yes No Yes Male 18-29 $25,000 - $49,999 Bachelor degree Middle Atlantic

The table above shows the changes of the categorical values of the rows to 0 and 1, this with the objective of delete all the rows that have 0 in all the columns of movies which means that the respondent hasn’t seen any movie.

b. Create a new column that converts the age ranges to a single number. Drop the age range categorical column.

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# Create a different category for each age range
age_group_change = {
  '18-29': 0,
  '30-44': 1,
  '45-60': 2,
  '> 60': 3
# Update the column
stwars2['age_group'] = stwars2['age_group'].replace(age_group_change)

2.0    240
1.0    207
3.0    192
0.0    180
Name: count, dtype: int64

After the update of the column, in the little table above we can see the amount of rows in each age_group.

c. Create a new column that converts the education groupings to a single number. Drop the school categorical column

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# Create a different category for each variable of the education column
education_change = {
  'Less than high school degree': 0,
  'High school degree': 1,
  'Some college or Associate degree': 2,
  'Bachelor degree': 3,
  'Graduate degree': 4
# Update the column
stwars2['education'] = stwars2['education'].replace(education_change)
3.0    261
2.0    254
4.0    226
1.0     71
0.0      3
Name: count, dtype: int64

After the update of the column, in the little table above we can see the amount of rows of each value in the education column.

d. Create a new column that converts the income ranges to a single number. Drop the income range categorical column.

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# Create a different category for each variable of the education column
household_income_change = {
  '$0 - $24,999': 0,
  '$25,000 - $49,999': 1,
  '$50,000 - $99,999': 2,
  '$100,000 - $149,999': 3,
  '$150,000+': 4
# Update the column
stwars2['household_income'] = stwars2['household_income'].replace(household_income_change)
2.0    238
1.0    146
3.0    115
0.0     98
4.0     77
Name: count, dtype: int64

After the update, in the little table above we can see the amount of rows of each value in the household_income column.

e. Create your target (also known as “y” or “label”) column based on the new income range column.

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# target will be more than 1 (50 000 or more)
stwars2['new_income'] = np.where(stwars2['household_income'] > 1 , 1, 0)

In this case, the target will be a new column that will be 1 if the value of the ‘household_income’ is more than 1 (> 50k) and 0 if is less.

f. One-hot encode all remaining categorical columns.

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# update columns from 'rate_han_solo' to 'rate_yoda' to single numbers
rates_change = {
  'Unfamiliar (N/A)': 0,
  'Very unfavorably': 1,
  'Somewhat unfavorably': 2,
  'Neither favorably nor unfavorably (neutral)': 3,
  'Somewhat favorably': 4,
  'Very favorably':5

stwars2.loc[:,'rate_han_solo':'rate_yoda'] = stwars2.loc[:,'rate_han_solo':'rate_yoda'].replace(rates_change)

# Replace all the yes and no columns to 1 and 0.
df5 = stwars2.replace({'Yes': 1, 'No': 0})

#hot encode the rest of categorical variables
df6 = pd.get_dummies(df5, columns=['char_shot_first', 'gender', 'census_region'])
df7 = df6.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce').astype('Int64')


Validate that the data provided on GitHub lines up with the article by recreating 2 of the visuals from the article.

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# Calculate counts
stwars_graphs = stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['wtch_any_sw'] == 'Yes']
counts = stwars_graphs['char_shot_first'].value_counts()

# Convert counts to DataFrame
df = counts.reset_index()
df.columns = ['Character', 'Count']

# Calculate percentage
df['Percentage'] = (df['Count'] / df['Count'].sum()) * 100

# Create horizontal bar chart with percentages
fig =, x='Percentage', y='Character', orientation='h', text='Percentage',
             labels={'Percentage': 'Percentage (%)', 'Character': 'Character'})

fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.1f}%', textposition='inside')

fig.update_layout(yaxis={'categoryorder': 'total ascending'})

fig.update_layout(title="Who Shot First?",
                  title_font=dict(size=24, family="Arial", color="black"),
                  title_x=0.03,  # Center align the title
                  title_y=0.97,  # Set the title position

From the chart above we can see that the majority of people surveyed thinks that Han Solo was the one who shot first with 39.3%. This is followed by a 37% that didn’t know what this question was about, this was probably because they miss that scene or didn’t see that chapter. Finally a not so small portion thought that Greedo shot first.

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stwars_graphs.loc[:, 'wtch_sw1':'wtch_sw6'] = np.where(stwars_graphs.loc[:, 'wtch_sw1':'wtch_sw6'].notnull(), 1, 0)

stwars_graphs = stwars_graphs[~((stwars_graphs['wtch_sw1'] == 0) | 
                    (stwars_graphs['wtch_sw2'] == 0) |
                    (stwars_graphs['wtch_sw3'] == 0) |
                    (stwars_graphs['wtch_sw4'] == 0) |
                    (stwars_graphs['wtch_sw5'] == 0) |
                    (stwars_graphs['wtch_sw6'] == 0))]

total_rows = len(stwars_graphs)

count_value_1 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw1(1-6)'] == '1'])
count_value_2 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw2(1-6)'] == '1'])
count_value_3 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw3(1-6)'] == '1'])
count_value_4 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw4(1-6)'] == '1'])
count_value_5 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw5(1-6)'] == '1'])
count_value_6 = len(stwars_graphs[stwars_graphs['rank_sw6(1-6)'] == '1'])

percentage_values = [(count_value_6 / total_rows) * 100,
                     (count_value_5 / total_rows) * 100,
                     (count_value_4 / total_rows) * 100,
                     (count_value_3 / total_rows) * 100,
                     (count_value_2 / total_rows) * 100,
                     (count_value_1 / total_rows) * 100

# Create DataFrame with movie names and percentage values
df = pd.DataFrame({'Chapter': ['Return of the Jedi', 'The Empire Strikes Back','A New Hope','Revenge of the Sith','Attack of the Clones',  'The Phantom Menace'],
                   'Percentage': percentage_values})

fig =, x='Percentage', y='Chapter', orientation='h', text='Percentage',
             labels={'Percentage': 'Percentage (%)', 'Chapter': 'Chapter'})

fig.update_traces(texttemplate='%{text:.1f}%', textposition='outside')

fig.update_layout(title="What's the Best 'Star Wars' Movie?",
                  title_font=dict(size=24, family="Arial", color="black"),

In the chart above we can clearly tell that the 5th chapter, “The Empire Strikes Back”, was the favorite among the people who participated in the survey, followed by “A New Hope” and “Return of the Jedi”. I find it interesting that these 3 movies are part of the original trilogy, the old movies from the 80’s.


Build a machine learning model that predicts whether a person makes more than $50k. Describe your model and report the accuracy.

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df7 = df7.dropna(subset = ['household_income'])
X = df7.drop(["new_income",'household_income'], axis=1)
y = df7["new_income"]

train_data, test_data, train_targets, test_targets = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.20)

# RandomForestClassifier
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(), train_targets)
targets_predicted = classifier.predict(test_data)

print("Accuracy:", accuracy_score(test_targets, targets_predicted))
Accuracy: 0.6074074074074074

The model I used was RandomForest with test size of 20%. The accuracy goes from 65 to 75%.